Vive Health

Vive Health
36 Riding Rd, Hawthorne, 4171, Queensland, Australia
Ph: (07) 3399 1002



Anti-Ageing is not only about helping you to look fabulous as you grow older, but also helping you to be healthier. As well as skincare and treatments to slow (or stop) the clock, you'll find supplements and functional foods in this section. All of these have been studied or used traditionally to enhance vitality and add years to your life. Some of the Vive favourites are:


Evohe Moisture 24/7

This is a favourite of many Vive staff and customers alike. The light, non-greasy moisturiser contains Edelweiss & Nectapure from the Swiss Alps. These plants have evolved to thrive in conditions of high UV, low atmospheric pressure & extreme temperatures and their pollution resistant metabolites enhance skin firmness & elasticity while detoxifying & moisturising. Their powerful antioxidants also protect against damaging free radicals, providing unique benefits for all skin types.

You're never too young to start looking after your skin with this powerful formula.


Loving Earth Organic Raw Dark Chocolate 100g

The anti-ageing not-so-secret that everyone loves - dark chocolate! It's good for the brain, heart and blood vessels, but most important for many... it also tastes great. The flavanols in cocoa may also lower the risk of type 2 diabetes, kidney disease and dementia.

Loving Earth chocolate is raw, and has been shown in university studies to have double the antioxidants of normal chocolate (also higher than goji and acai berries). This chocolate is organic, free from nasty chemicals, and fair trade, so it's good for you and the farmer. Eat up...


Vital Greens Phyto Nutrient Superfood (120g, 300g, 600g)

Vital greens is a great tasting supplement containing over 75 herbs and superfoods to enhance your vitality. It gently boosts detoxification and alkalises the ageing body. The ingredients also provide a natural pick-me-up and bucketloads of antioxidants to boost stamina, endurance and the immune system.


Melrose Chlorella 500mg (100 tabs, 200 tabs, 120g powder)

Chlorella is a green algae which one of the highest known food sources of DNA and RNA. Dr Bernard Jensen was a key proponent of this as an anti-ageing supplement, as he believed it would assist in the repair of damaged genetic material thus slowing the ageing process.

This particular Chlorella supplement has been processed so that it is easier to digest - increased bioavailability from 40 to 80%.


  SKU Product Our price
9329785001769 Nutrivital Ashwagandha One-A-Day $36.95
inc. GST 10%
9329785001752 Nutrivital Beauty Collagen + Antioxidants $41.20 (Save 25%)
inc. GST 10%
9329785001875 Nutrivital Green Calcium Plus K2 & D3 $21.70 (Save 25%)
inc. GST 10%
9329785005248 Nutrivital Liquid Chlorophyll $16.45 (Save 25%)
inc. GST 10%
9339966002638 Nutrivital Magnesium & Cramp Bark $27.10 (Save 25%)
inc. GST 10%
9329785000984 Nutrivital Vegan BioCurcumin Plus $42.35 (Save 25%)
inc. GST 10%
9358198000168 Ora Cellprotect Complex $34.95
inc. GST 10%
9339966002751 Organic Road Amazing Super Greens Plus $29.95
inc. GST 10%
9332834002730 Power Super Foods Cacao Gold Cacao Butter Chunks $15.70
9332834002013 Power Super Foods Cacao Nibs $7.95
9332834004413 Power Super Foods Maqui Powder $24.95
6970630000142 Primal Nature Products Maca Capsules $55.85
inc. GST 10%
9351568000010 Skin B5 Extra Strength Acne Control Vitamins $42.90
inc. GST 10%
9351568000300 Skin B5 Superfood Booster $63.95
750343869290 Superfeast Astragalus Immunity & Circulation $58.50
inc. GST 10%
SKU44575551 Vive Collagen for Bone Strength & Repair $28.85