Vive Health

Vive Health
36 Riding Rd, Hawthorne, 4171, Queensland, Australia
Ph: (07) 3399 1002


Chips, Snacks and Health Bars

No more reading labels, now you can grab a quick snack, bar or sweet safe in the knowledge that it won’t aggravate your allergy or intolerance. Our Naturopaths have carefully checked the ingredients with our suppliers and manufactures to make sure these are gluten free.

  SKU Product Our price
9334827002512 AbsoluteFruitz Freeze Dried Apricot Slices $3.50
9334827002536 AbsoluteFruitz Freeze Dried Peach Slices $3.50
9334827002543 AbsoluteFruitz Freeze Dried Pear Slices $3.50
9334827002567 AbsoluteFruitz Freeze Dried Strawberries $3.50
9345911000277 Alter Eco Deep Dark Salted Brown Butter Organic Chocolate $7.05
inc. GST 10%
9345911000284 Alter Eco Deep Dark Sea Salt Organic Chocolate $7.05
inc. GST 10%
9344060002552 Amazonia Raw Plant Protein Bar Choc Chip Cookie Dough $4.45
inc. GST 10%
9344060002569 Amazonia Raw Plant Protein Bar Peanut Butter Choc Melt $4.45
inc. GST 10%
9344060002545 Amazonia Raw Plant Protein Bar Triple Choc Brownie $4.45
inc. GST 10%
9421903370273 Bennetto Natural Foods Co Raspberries in Dark Chocolate $8.70
inc. GST 10%
9421903370150 Bennetto Natural Foods Co Toasted Hazelnut Dark Chocolate 60% $6.95
inc. GST 10%
9350181004788 Botanika Blends Botanika Bickie Choc Chip $6.15
inc. GST 10%
9350181004474 Botanika Blends Vegan Protein Bar Choc Hazelnut Flavour $4.65
inc. GST 10%
9350181004443 Botanika Blends Vegan Protein Bar Lemon Cheesecake Flavour $4.65
inc. GST 10%
708163120589 Boulder Canyon Kettle Cooked Potato Chips Avocado Oil Classic Sea Salt $10.55
inc. GST 10%
70816395056 Boulder Canyon Kettle Cooked Potato Chips Classic Sea Salt $9.15
inc. GST 10%