Vive Health

Vive Health
36 Riding Rd, Hawthorne, 4171, Queensland, Australia
Ph: (07) 3399 1002


Nuts, Seeds and Dried Fruits

Gluten is a protein found in wheat, spelt, barley, rye and oats. This being the case, almost all nuts, seeds and dried fruits are suitable for those with gluten issues. Nuts, seeds and Dried fruits are also packed with protein, vitamins and minerals. They make the perfect "natural" snack, or add them to your salads, baking or morning cereals to increase your daily nutrient intake.

  SKU Product Our price
0797776058839 GoodMix Blend11 $22.20
9346985006370 Live Wholefoods Organic Activated Almonds $10.45
9346985006387 Live Wholefoods Organic Activated Brazil Nuts $21.75
9346985006332 Live Wholefoods Organic Activated Mixed Nuts $10.45
9346985006356 Live Wholefoods Organic Activated Mixed Nuts & Seeds $8.50
9346985006714 Live Wholefoods Organic Activated Pecans $25.20
9339709001195 Loving Earth Organic Coconut Chips $7.45
9339709001058 Loving Earth Organic Shredded Coconut $7.45
9339709003427 Loving Earth Paleo Mix Berry Choc $14.95
9312628030057 Melrose Spread Macadamia Cashew $19.50
9351857000189 Mindful Foods Organic & Activated Almonds $23.70
9351857000432 Mindful Foods Organic & Activated Brazils $20.60
935185700196 Mindful Foods Organic & Activated Cashews $19.60
9351857000332 Mindful Foods Organic & Activated Hazelnuts $18.55
9351857001094 Mindful Foods Organic & Activated Maple Munchies $18.55
9351857000172 Mindful Foods Organic & Activated Mixed Nuts $20.60