Vive Health

Vive Health
36 Riding Rd, Hawthorne, 4171, Queensland, Australia
Ph: (07) 3399 1002


Vegan Plant Based Foods

We stock a range of whole food plant based foods that are suitable for those following a vegan or plant based diet.

  SKU Product Our price
9334827002512 AbsoluteFruitz Freeze Dried Apricot Slices $3.50
9334827002536 AbsoluteFruitz Freeze Dried Peach Slices $3.50
9334827002543 AbsoluteFruitz Freeze Dried Pear Slices $3.50
9334827002567 AbsoluteFruitz Freeze Dried Strawberries $3.50
0797776915040 Akn Organics Cassava Flour $20.65
9344060002552 Amazonia Raw Plant Protein Bar Choc Chip Cookie Dough $4.45
inc. GST 10%
9344060002569 Amazonia Raw Plant Protein Bar Peanut Butter Choc Melt $4.45
inc. GST 10%
9344060002545 Amazonia Raw Plant Protein Bar Triple Choc Brownie $4.45
inc. GST 10%
9421903370273 Bennetto Natural Foods Co Raspberries in Dark Chocolate $8.70
inc. GST 10%
9421903370150 Bennetto Natural Foods Co Toasted Hazelnut Dark Chocolate 60% $6.95
inc. GST 10%
5032722306547 Biona Organic Artichoke Hearts in Brine $15.45
5032722304925 Biona Organic Dijon Mustard $9.05
5032722315815 Biona Organic Edamame Beans $7.00
039978406200 Bob's Red Mill Egg Replacer $10.80
9350181004788 Botanika Blends Botanika Bickie Choc Chip $6.15
inc. GST 10%
9350181004474 Botanika Blends Vegan Protein Bar Choc Hazelnut Flavour $4.65
inc. GST 10%